Friday, January 28, 2011

100 Days

Today, Middle d and the rest of his school are celebrating their 100th day of school.  I can't honestly say that Middle d is celebrating though, he doesn't like school very much.  Well, that's not the complete truth either.

Lets try this again.  Today, Middle d is celebrating 100 school breakfasts, 100 school lunches, and 100 recesses at school.  That's about as honest as it gets!  He isn't the biggest fan of the actual structured classroom...or his teacher (he thinks she's a tattletale)...or anything having to do with class work.  He's more into playing and having fun!

Middle d's teacher asked all of the students to bring a hat to school with 100 things on it.  Um, weird!    100 "things" is alot of "things" when you have to put them on a hat!

I thought about macaroni noodles.  I changed my mind about that, I thought it was too easy.  100 pieces of flair?!...too many sticky pens...100 paper clips?! pieces of candy?!, he would probably just eat them before he got to school...100 wiggly eyes!?...Yesss!  100 wiggly eyes hot glued on to pom poms!....Yes! Yes! Yesss!

Here is our finished product:  Not too shabby : )

Middle d was a little too distracted to help me make the hat, but I did make him count all of the pom poms and all of the wiggly eyes!  I think he had alot of fun!

Up there ^ is a silly middle d with his 100 eyed hat!  And down there is a really bad picture of Middle d and his Mommy!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Devans take on MLK Jr

When Big D got home from school a couple of days ago, I asked her if she learned about Martin Luther King Jr.  She said "Yep!"

So, I asked her to tell me about him.  And this is what she said:

Martin Luther King was a black man.  He had two white friends when he was little, but their mothers said they could not play with him because he was black.  He didn't understand what that had to do with playing.

They also believe that Martin was assinated by the same person who shot Abraham Lincoln.

ME:  John Wilkes Booth?!

Yes, Martin and Abraham were related.  They know they were related because they were both black and they were both assinated for trying to free the slaves...

ME:  Big D, Who was Abraham Lincoln?

The 16th president of the Untied States.

ME:  Who was the first black president?

Barak Oba.....Ohhhh.  Abraham Lincoln wasn't black.

Thanks alot Polk County Schools!  It's one thing not to celebrate the holiday.  It's another to sacrifice the education of my children in doing so!  Just sayin'

On a happier note, Big D lost another tooth last night.  AND the tooth fairy finally came to retrieve Middle ds tooth and while she was at it, she also picked up Big D's!

Happy Thursday, Everyone!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On lock-ins and such

Friday night we had a lock in at the church where Steven is employed.  We went there expecting ten to 15 kids and ended up with 25!  We were also surprised when we got there to find TONS of baked goodies from the ladies in the church.  The night was filled with lots of games and marshmallow roasting and adventures.  Every one was on their best behavior and only two people went to sleep!...none of them being my children, of course!

Little d slept from about 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. but after that, she was ready to go again.  Big D and Middle d were up until 6 a.m.!  After Big D woke up she said "Mommy, I just had to go to sleep.  It was either that or throw the dice at someone instead of the table."  HA!  I think she was tired!  Both of them put themselves to bed though, I had nothing to do with it.

Through the night, Middle d consumed six (that I counted) cupcakes!  When we have special things like that, I let them eat as much of and anything they want to because in the real world, at home, we do not encourage unhealthy eating.  Poor Middle d would be one of those obese kids rolling around if I let him eat like that all of the time.  He is a junk food junkie!...or at least he wants to be.  Big D is very different.  She doesn't like anything carbonated.  She prefers water to sweet tea or Kool aid.  And she will choose an apple or an orange over cupcakes ANY day!  I wish I had her self control!  Little d is a chip eater.  Chips and coke are her favorite.  Yes, I said coke.  I occasionally give her her sippy cup...and she chugs it like she's never had before!  But like I said, they are only allowed things like this on special occasions.

Around 10:30, we split into two groups and headed out on a scavenger hunt.  I can't remember everything we had to do but we had to do some pretty "embarrassing" things.  Some of them were nearly impossible!  Have you ever tried to take a photo of 12 kids jumping in the air?!?  And, the rules were very specific, EVERYONE had to be in the air!  This would have been easier during the day, trust me.  We also had to sing to the cashier at a convience store.  We chose "Jesus loves me".  Poor lady, I'm sure she thought we had lost it!

We had to improvise a little on some.  Like take a picture with the most bearded people.  Um, yeah, try asking a bunch of strangers with beards to huddle up together and take a picture.  They were like "Whatever, psycho!"

Everyone hanging upside down from monkey bars was a pretty difficult task.  We couldn't find monkey bars and had to settle for a jungle gym.  Once again, not as easy as you would think...

Posing as mannequins in wal-mart for five minutes was fun!

Cramming 12 kids into a cardboard box proved to be a bit difficult!

So did stacking 12 teenagers into a semi organized pyramid when it was like under thirty degrees.  It was harder than one might think it would be!  But we did it!

Oh, I learned something that night!  Pecan trees really do exist where we live!  We brought back the winning pecan to prove it!

We had a blast Friday night (all night)!  But, staying up all night isn't my favorite thing to do.  I'm too old for that lol!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


My son is changing....

 Everyday, he changes a little more.

I feel like I blinked once, and he went from a wobbly little toddler... a toothless almost seven year old.

I am so blessed!  My son.  My only little son : )

Happy SONday Everyone : )

Saturday, January 8, 2011

with her

 My girl and I ventured out for a Friday picnic lunch at the park.

Our conversation in the car was more than hilarious!  She explained to me how her name was Diamond Morris and Cinderellas name was Cinderella Washthedishes.  My oh my!  What a horrible last name she has!  Cinderella is her new favorite princess by the way!

 She recited a little skit that she thought of for Middle d. 
And I quote:
"Dominick does not like spankings."
"He does not like them with a belt."
"He does not like them with a hand."

"He does not like them with a house."
"Or in a box."
"Or with a fox."
"He does not like them anywhere!"
He does not like spankings, Mommy!

Thank you, for clarifying little d.  I'll keep that in mind!

So totally almost a silhouette!

Hello!  Pretty blue eyes!!!

 After reading the "nutrition" information on the french fry bags, we decided that the ducks could use a little extra cholesterol and calories.  They happily agreed!

She is just so much fun!

Happy Saturday Everyone!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011


 Have you ever taken your kids out to eat and had them behave so wonderfully that you decided to order dessert and surprise them?

 Have you ever put dessert in front of them and told them they couldn't have it?!


Me neither! 

What kind of parent would ever do that?!  Sheesh!

Happy Monday Everyone!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Good-bye 2010

 Counting down the last twelve months and a few milestones along the way!

December, Middle d has a brand new framed face!

We were doing some home town sight seeing when some random crack head looking stranger asks us if we want her to take our picture.  Reluctantly, I turned my precious "Janis" over to her and she must have taken thirty pictures, turning Janis in every different direction and shooting from every possible angle...this was the best one...YIKES!  Thanks for the memory lady!


Sweet, sweet day with my family at Magic Screams.  The D's and myself went through every emotion possible that day.  Happy.  Excited.  Mad.  Hungry.  Nauseated.  Brave.  Scared to death!  You name it, we experienced it!

Soccer season.  I have to be the proudest soccer mom out there!  I'm currently counting down the weeks until not only Big D and Middle d start playing, but little d starts too!!  Oh, it's nine if you're wondering!

August.  Big D entered a whole new "bigger" school and started cheer leading!  That was a big mile stone for her!  She "detested it a little but loved it alot", so she's decided to give it a go again next year!  And me?  Well, I'm along for the ride!

I'm sure the D's and I will never forget this month-long-vacation in Georgia and North Carolina!  We packed up and headed "home"  for two weeks and ended up staying two extra!  During that time we traveled through five different states and drove over 30 hours!  Words fail me completely when I try to blog about this trip.  The picture below was taken in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee at Dolly wood.  It's my favorite memory.  It was about 6:30 and the park was about to close for the day.  This was the last train ride of the day and the last day I spent with my mama while we were there.  We spent from sunrise to sunset at this park, were covered in  hot, sticky, July sweat, and we were exhausted!  Five minutes into this train ride and little d was fast asleep!

I think a more appropriate word for this season would be 'Swimming time' instead of summer.  It is what we do. I love to open the trunk and find mismatched floaties, empty bottles of sunblock, unopened Capri suns with missing straws, and wet towels that "don't really smell that bad"! lol!  To me, it's a sign that my children are just that, children.  It's a sign that I'm doing something right, even if it looks ALL wrong!  Are you with me?!  Hurry and come back summer!  We miss you really, really  bad!

This girl also turned eight in June.  I love her half of a tooth she has!


I traveled with my best friend and my little d to Pensacola, Florida to see her little(ish) girl.  This trip took over thirteen hours to drive!  We also crossed a thirty mile long bridge in Louisiana just so we could get to the other side and break down (in Baton Rouge).  The waitress at the restaurant we broke down at thought we were and treated us like a "couple" the whole time we were there, which was really, really awkward :/   We ended up making it to Pensacola eventually though, and we had a blast!

This Easter Sunday was so perfectly planned.  Only, I guess I was the only one planning, because it was gray, cloudy, and freezing!  Not to mention, little d was in desperate need for a nap.  Oh well, there's always next year.


Such a busy, busy birthday month for us!  Little d turned two...
 Daddy turned 23...

And Middle d turned six!


Middle d had his first valentine exchange this year!  Is it bad that I made him address every. single. one?!


I introduced my husband, my self, and my babies on my very first blog,  A day in my life as a 3D mommy!

What a FABULOUS year 2010 was!

Happy brand-new-shiny-2011 everyone!!!