Tuesday, September 6, 2011

An Update

Hey.  I just thought I'd give you guys a quick lil' update on Big D.  She had a very long past two days.  Today, we have managed to keep her temperature under 100!  That's a big deal!  Her temperature has been her biggest problem.  The only other issue she has is "bad headache".

The pediatrician looked her over from head to toe. She pressed on her face under her eyes and I thought Big D was going to burst in to tears!  Her pediatrician also decided to do another urinalysis and it just so turns out, she does have a bladder infection.  She said that sometimes the sinuses fail to drain properly in little ones so they become infected.  I had to add that little part because Big D has not had any sign of a runny nose!  We left the doctor's office fever free with a diagnosis of "severe sinusitis and a bladder infection".  We also left fever free!  She wasn't fever free for long, but her temperature has been very mild {compared to yesterday's 104.8!} all day long.  I think it's safe to say that were well on our way to healthy!

Thanks so much for everyone remembering my babe in your prayers!  God is Good!  So good!

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!!!

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