Terry Mr. Warren,
I have to admit, the first time you suggested that we drive your little red golf cart to the pool, I was kind of sketchy about the idea. I don't know why. But I definitely was. After very little thought, I decided to politely decline your ever so generous offer.
I walked to the pool with four little kiddos and it was a fabulous walk...until t-man and md decided to run far ahead of me and didn't stop at the stop sign...there weren't any cars anywhere in sight, but still, you know? I couldn't help but wonder about that little red golf cart. It just kept flittering through my thoughts...especially when ld refused to take one more step because her brand spankin' new straight off the clearance rack from target, Dora sandals had rubbed a glorious blister on the left side of her foot. I didn't blame her for not wanting to walk anymore. Who would?! I was going to carry her but I was already carrying my camera bag, the "swimming bag", and ld's life jacket. My arms were a little full. Thankfully Big D carried the swimming bag and Middle d carried the camera bag. The only thing I had to lug the rest of the way to the pool was squishy, sweaty little d.
Swimming at the pool was absolutely wonderful! There were palm trees and big puffy clouds and a perfect salty breeze. Thank you, for living here and letting us stay with you. That is very generous of you and we appreciate it more than we could possibly say.
Also, Thank you for calling us home just a mere 10 minutes before the big puffy white clouds turned icky gray and dumped down rain.
The walk home wasn't so bad. I mean if you look over the fact that I was carrying soaking wet towels and a fit pitching three year old. And if you look over the fact that md and t-man were running down the road in slippery flip flops. They only occasionally almost fell and busted their faces. Oh and the fact that little d accused a Hispanic person of stealing our water cooler and weed eater. She caved on the cooler but was still pretty upset over the weed eater. See, it was sort of a pleasant walk...
All this blabbering, I guess I should get to my point.
Today, when you suggested that I take your little red golf cart, I was secretly jumping up and down and celebrating! I loaded up the D's and t-man and myself into this little thing, listened to some simple instructions on how to operate/drive it, and cautiously off we went!
As soon as I pulled out of the drive way I was in love. I felt like the "coolest kid on the block"! It was like I was driving an over sized power wheel. I didn't want to swim anymore. I wanted to drive around the neighborhood, wave at random people and have drive by conversations with them. I almost forgot about the four kiddos sitting in this red, fringy, over sized power wheel and did just that. But instead,
the kids reminded me to stop while I was in the process of running a stop sign the children reminded me that they were still with me and we went to the pool.
Three hours later we were feeling pretty crispy from the wonderfully hot Florida sun and we all piled in the red golf cart and headed home. Driving felt so good that I decided to turn the radio on and take a lap around the neighborhood. The song on the radio was "In my next 30 years". That was such an appropriate song for me, ya know, cuz I just celebrated my 28th year! :)
Me on my birthday! :) |
So there we were, the five of us driving around the neighbor hood waving at random porch dwellers
and barking at their dogs laughing and just having the time of our lives. I'm pretty sure I bonded with my nephew today. You know, the kind of bond where he loves me and likes me, too!
Thank you. Thank you for letting us use your little red golf cart. Today we made precious memories. Memories that will prolly last a life time! All because of "lil red".